
Weird that they’re getting a reality show, given that they’ve never really been able to engage with reality.

I would argue that as gross as plant-based meat is (and it is indeed gross), it’s considerably less gross than eating animal corpses.

This article originally appeared on Jalopnik”

It’s only human nature to want to take something like this and screw with it.

...Did you just compare a deadly disease to a spicy chip, while questioning their logic? I’d say the real question here is: what are you gaining from claiming a person who is medically vulnerable didn’t die of the thing that obviously caused their death, namely cardiopulmonary arrest?

I’m willing to bet this is a promotional stunt. I think, originally, they were going to call it Agatha: House of Harkness, but someone thought that sounded dumb and wanted to change it and then it changed again and eventually someone had the bright idea to go “Wait, what if we just keep changing the name every week to

Considering he has the feds up his ass, I’m going to assume that he’s going to go full alt-right in the hopes that Trump wins the election and grants him a pardon.

Dorsey… also seemed to call X a “freedom technology” in a tweet on Saturday, warning users to not depend on corporations to grant them rights.

The GIGO Principal applies here:

Maybe not sell games for $60, and people won’t pirate that shit. I’d buy $20 games....legally...all day long.

The irony of the stupid useless vanity project Cyber Truck being what kills Tesla is just too much to take. I’m not sure they’ll recover from this. Manufacturing it is already a disaster. Tesla’s famous quality control seems to have been even better this time around. The whole thing is a constant disaster. 

God bless those poor fools that were gullible enough to buy these overpriced pieces of junk.

Oh thank god, you posted this. I desperately needed you to fire half your workforce, obliterate any semblance of journalism you had left, and flood this place with garbage any single google search would have fixed.

Its one of those things. I can almost guarantee you the numbers were designed and laid out in 0123456789 format (as thats what you do). Thats what people looked at. And then they looked at a typical jersey number on the jersey. And assuming you like the overall design nothings going to pop out at you. They probably

Oh I find it 100% believable. Soccer jerseys don’t go up to 44. They looked at ‘4' and ‘14' and signed off on it.

Wi-Fi doesn’t mean mean “wireless fidelity” since there’s no such actual term, and those words put together don’t even make sense in the first place. It’s just a trademark, and that’s it. It’s a riff on Hi-Fi, and nothing more.

Because people are idiotic mother-fucking assholes, that’s why. They don’t give a shit about anyone they can’t actually see in their direct line of vision at that particular moment.

Man Gamer Gate 2.0 is even stupider this time. She didn’t lie. She said that the Steam curated list of games that had Sweer Baby as a consultant was designed to prevent people from playing these games. While, technically, a Steam curated list doesn’t prevent anyone from doing anything, it is just informative. The

It probably doesn’t help that half the people at WotC they worked with to make BG3 all got laid off.

Heard your Chief Executive Herb is pivoting to 50 guides a week and cutting down on news, so I guess I’m officially done with Kotaku.