
Industrial fallout?

Nothing says rugged, all-terrain, all-weather vehicle like one you have to wash the minute it gets dirty and also never get wet.

Others are in favor of their Cybertrucks developing orange stains, saying that they’re looking forward to the patina the stainless steel may develop.”

This was my favorite line:

Patience, plenty of hours in the day for Musk to do more stupid shit.

The thing is that this has all happened before, Deloreans were notorious rustbuckets and the joke was your couldn’t drive them in the rain. The lesson that the entire automotive industry learned was that its a dumb idea to make a car body out of stainless steel.

That has to be the ugliest truck ever conceived.  Stainless Steel resists rusting, but is not immune to it.  Does it really not have a clearcoat paint job on it?  That’s insane!

I made this when the story first broke, when they said that getting bird poop on it could ruin the finish.

yes, correct

no, she’s trying to keep it from a group of terrorists who she believes murdered her father and have been hounding her across the world. she acts with incomplete information, but with the right intention.

Ooops. Since you’ve taken “debate 101,” I’m sure you’ll be apologizing shortly for not doing your research here.

Found the fed that’d like to see people arrested for installing Metasploit.

> car manufacturers: * produce vulnerable cars *
> nerds: * exploit vulnerabilities *
> government: * regulates nerd equipment *
why are people like this?

a) If you think not talking about devices like Flipper Zero will make them go away, you’re even dumber than that reply makes you look. “Security through obscurity” is not a real thing - it’s the most famous fallacy in tech circles.

“Deorbit” in a “controlled descent” are definitely the terms a PR team chose. The plan to send them back towards Earth & burn them in the atmosphere. That’s how space junk gets cleaned up, burning it in the atmosphere.

It can also work as a TMPS activation tool for relearning sensors after you rotate or change your tires. Most sensors wake up when they hear 125kHz, that’s all the $50 tool you can buy does. Follow the instructions to put your vehicle in relearn mode, then hold the flipper next to each valve stem and scan for RFID!

I shudder to think of debating you in-person. May I suggest trying to make your points without being sarcastic or petulant.

Again, 20-30 year old cars. This article is fear-mongering at best. Yes, 30 year old cars are exploitable. The average age for a car in the States is 12.5 years.

As quoted in yesterday’s article, by the guy who built the thing :  “Flipper Zero can’t be used to hijack any car, specifically the ones produced after the 1990s, since their security systems have rolling codes. Also, it’d require actively blocking the signal from the owner to catch the original signal, which Flipper

It explicitly can’t steal your car unlock code. Your car uses end-to-end encryption and rolling codes that the Flipper can’t steal.