
So you can buy an entire anime series and then a megacorp can just delete the stuff you paid for. The capitalists really don’t want us to own anything, huh? Seems like there’s not much we can do.

They’ll also have to ban the Raspberry Pi. 

Can I move to where you live? Around here, 90% of TVs in waiting areas are tuned to Fox “News”.

Please place your liquids and gels in these handy clear plastic bags because... reasons.

I love anime as much as the next person that grew up watching japanimation but an almost 100 percent price increase is absurd. Especially since I’m sure the price increase is not going to do much for the animators and other talent involved with the making of anime. 

At least the drunk is attempting to drive.

Of course it was intentional. He had the VR headset, and he had a separate camera documenting his egregious endangerment of everyone around him.  This deserves just as much justice as the guy who filmed himself crashing his airplane.

No one ever said vaccines would keep you from catching, or experiencing symptoms from, Covid-19, you fucking idiot.

With good reason.

It would be funny if people didn’t listen to and buy his “whatabouts” and “both sides” BS and let it influence their decisions. All these talk show, podcast, and influencer idiots are BSing for profit, and the more “controversy” they generate, the more attention and profits they get. They don’t care about the damage

Ah, fair point there. “Denied access,” then.

Just nationalize SpaceX and get it over with. What’s Elon going to do? Whine on Twitter about it?

access was never cut off. it was never activated over the area requested.

One thing of particular relevance not mentioned here - the time that Musk cut off Starlink access to Ukraine for a major military operation because he believed that the attack would lead to a nuclear counterstrike.

You give too much credits to Tom Cotton. lol

Tom Cotton 100% thinks that all Asian people are Chinese. He is completely incapable of asking any of the questions of Chew that someone might reasonably want to.

The response to the second time should have been “Senator, with all undue respect, are you just completely unfamiliar with the Nation of Singapore?

The problem is that there is too many girls and too little cups and we all know how it ends.