
Nah, that’s not about gamers.  It’s just the general trend.  The worst part about any fandom is the fans.  An alternative example of ‘sports’ comes to mind.

Nintendo is a Japanese company, Japan has different laws regarding copyright, Valve does business in Japan, has Japanese customers, and works with Japanese companies.

If Musk says something is the truth, we know that it’s 100% bullshit.

Yeah, this is a pretty naked cash grab. At $70 a year, subscribing to Office isn’t exactly expensive, but it’s $70 that I would be paying to use only one program, and that pretty sparingly. I mostly use Notepad now if I need something to make notes or copy and paste something, and if I absolutely need a doc or docx

To further the thought of “Wordpad was free”, didn’t it get paid for along with the rest of Windows when the license was bought, either directly or via purchasing a computer that had Windows on it?

Should that translate into “You don’t pay enough for Microsoft Windows, so here’s a way for us to dive further into your pockets by trying to force you into buying Microsoft Office.” ?

The midnight release of Halo 3 and og MW2. and even then, I only actually waited like 15 minutes to receive my preorder lol

Consumerism is absolutely out of control.

Congrats is survived a car fire, pretty much any insulated “Yeti” clone tumbler would have also survived lol.  

My interest in Stanley remains flat.

This whole anal bead conspiracy is pretty goofy. Like there’s probably a million way to cheat at chess that doesn’t involve sticking anal beads up your ass.

What the fuck are you talking about

Bandwidth my ass. All that cash money made from shark cards because everything is price-gated unless you have hours and hours of time to grind or you happened to have modded money back from the old PS3/Xbox days. And yet, all that money goes towards the shareholders and the CEO. There's nothing of value in GTA online

Touch screen controls, in general, require drivers to take their eyes off the road since there’s no tactile sense allowing drivers to manipulate the controls solely by touch. You’d think it’d be obvious that this is objectively bad. But hey, gotta tech for tech’s sake.

They threw out the baby with the bathwater. We just wanted Factions 2, not some hulking GaaSy monstrosity.

Yeah I didn’t want a live service, just a modern update to Factions, bummer that wasn’t their intention. Probably for the best to kill the live service project, but let’s not pretend Last of Us 3 was in danger of not happening because of a live service project, that series is a cash cow and they’re going to milk it

Goofy equation you just cooked up. My cousin also died from lung cancer and never smoked or owned a video game in her life. Yes, inhaling anything is bad. Tacking on some random celebrity who didn’t actually do what is being warned against is silly. 

The “home” service aspect of it is a gimmick - this is pretty clearly aimed at commercial clients. You’d be hard pressed to even use 2 GB broadband to the max with a regular household, never mind 20.

Oh wow, a business using a wireless printer... I can’t even imagine.


Even for the illegal stuff, who’s torrenting THAT much at once on a regular basis?