
Remember when Lindsay Lohan repeatedly sued Rockstar because, according to her, this character from GTA V looked exactly like her (and not Kate Upton)?

Here’s the thing: there is a 0% chance he’ll get any money from Rockstar, as the tattoos aren’t the same, so there goes any possible copyright claims, and it’s obviously a work of parody.

So you want money because they stole your likeness, the likeness you stole from a movie.... >.>

1. “buy” not by”
2. Five years is a long time in tech. If you think any experience you had five years ago is still valid today, you have issues. 

Let’s be really clear here though - Apple is claiming that this is a security risk because of “fake credentials” but the only thing that’s fake about the way Beeper Mini was registering devices was that it was *lying about the type of physical device you were using*. It wasn’t sending any sort of falsified user

The majority of people in America support at least a ceasefire, even when the question is heavily loaded against it. Even a majority of Republicans. Somehow.
Being against Benjamin Netanyahu, Likud, the IDF, and the Israeli government is neither a hot take nor anti-semitic.

Ok, but in the meanwhile Barrera posted actual truth on Insta.

The entirety of Israel sits on occupied Palestinian land. 

zionism is a right-wing attack to steal a piece of land that is important to 3 major religions in the world that people already live on and say it’s yours and only yours, like a bunch of cunts.

Spyglass, who fired her, are just cowards afraid to be critized over an actress with pretty accurate opinions on Israel and Israel's continuing genocide of the Palestinian people. Fuck 'em.

Hahahahaha they’ve lost Syndey and now they’ve lost the sister the whole damn sequel arc was built around.

Facts are not a matter of “agreement”.

No, you’re literally regurgitating the exact propaganda talking-points in question.

Equating the state of Israel with Judaism itself is one of the greatest accomplishments the Israeli far right ever pulled off, even though it’s actually anti-Semitic in itself.

Not just Zionist in Israel, but around the world, not to mention Christian Zionists. 

On CNN yesterday the Former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak let slip to Christiane Amanpour that Israel believes there are tunnels and bunkers under the hospitals they keep bombing because... Israel built a bunch of tunnels and bunkers under hospitals forty years ago when they controlled Gaza.

No. Nope nope nope. Being critical of Israel’s brutal colonialism is NOT the same as being anti-semitic. It’s bullshit. They’re fucking horrific people no matter where they’re from. This is insanity.

The greatest propaganda achievement in modern history is how Zionists in Israel convinced the world that any criticism towards the extremist right-wing government in Israel is “anti-semitism”.

So calling out a government that has ministers who have legitimately advocated dropping a nuclear bomb on civilians, and demanded the complete eradication of a people is anti-semitic now? One of the Israeli ministers had his pregnant wife removed from a maternal ward because there was a Palestinian woman there as

So she was fired for pointing out that Israel’s government is pretty freaking evil themselves and that the human toll on both sides is awful?