
Money didn’t corrupt him. Money emboldened him. This is who he always was.

from the companies he built*??

While I don’t disagree with your statement, you don’t need money to be a bigoted shithead.

Musk comes from a wealthy enough family that he’s never really had to be held accountable for anything. The temper tantrum from Musk being held accountable would be entertaining to watch. 

It used to be that Muskatel wasn’t so obviously crazy, and seemed to make all the right moves with the companies he bought.  Today, the guy appears to be completely insane, hateful, anti semitic, and paranoid, destined to destroy everything he touches.

>The White House condemned Musk

I agree. All government contracts with any of Musk’s companies should be cancelled immediately.

“This person intentionally left blank”

As a for-profit company now, they presumably want someone who will be less inclined to be out there calling for restrictions on AI development.

Better late than never, I suppose.

About fucking time. The only thing that will get Musk’s hand-picked board to do anything is investors being pissed.

Everybody wonders why IT is necessary until they need us. That’s why I moved from client services to server admin. 

I’ll be really surprised if this thing isn’t on a “please get rid of this stock” clearance price by summer.

It’s so weird how “only 200 dollars” is something I keep seeing a lot.  200 dollars is still a heck of a lot of money for me.

Would you rather us not be around? I don’t friggin’ think so.

I’ve seen multiple comments like this, was this really an expectation? I figured it was understood this is just a dedicated remote play device.

Expecting a tech reviewer to understand a tiny bit about how their network works isn’t a big ask.

I think that’s the major thing it’s missing. If it had PS+ support for streaming games from the cloud it would be a different story. For me the device has no appeal since I can’t think of a situation where I’d benefit from it. If I really needed to stream from my PS5 when I was away I’d just use my MacBook Pro and

Just get a cheap Google TV dongle on Black Friday, better than the PS5 for media anyway

Sidenote, It really bugs me how close the control stick bulge is to the screen.