
Huh? The consoles are most definitely worth that. more.

It's really dumb. At that price you should be buying a toy that comes with a code for the skin of the toy.

This site explains all those terms:

Arrogance and wealth is something I can’t stand in a person, especially if they troll too. So I always wish the worst upon them. I celebrate when things go bad for them. Because it’s so well deserved.

I don’t know if Nintendo even paid, or if X has not put the screws to them yet.  I know it was first discussed back in Feb, but if Sony is flipping the bird now, then no reason why Nintendo wouldn’t follow

Quite a few actually. It just depends one the type of game.

Well, that’s true, but that also happened back when the growth of the internet exploded back in the late 90's.  The Playstation “Share” button didn’t really have anything to do with that.  People were posting screenshots and videos online looong before that.

I gave up on Destiny 2, when i have to log in and play for 4 hours every day, to get the the stuff from a battle pass or have 5 friends who play or join 3rd party web sites to do matchmaking for me, you have sucked the fun out of the game and made it a 2nd job, i want to go the gym and have a life not just work and

They’ve been promising to do better for the entirety of Destiny’s lifespan

I would also question who in their team was setting their projections so high for? To miss it by that much is an incredible margin and it sounds like they set themselves up to fail with ambitious projections and overspending by expecting those targets. If there’s any sense, some in management should have lost their

The game is narratively impenetrable for anyone who doesn’t play regularly. Last time i tried to get into it was Beyond Light (holy shit it’s been 3 years?) and i did a bunch of external research to get caught up on the story (watching hours of lore videos) and was enjoying myself until i hit the inevitable “now grind

I’m going to be kind of a dick here, but as a player, I’ve gotta ask: how does a studio with 1200 people manage to put out so little content for this game? They’ve been reusing the same holiday events for years with very little change, they have been reusing seasonal content for strikes, they mostly just restore old

Absolute truth. I’m lucky enough (or unlucky enough?) to have a small group of friends who I’ve played Destiny with since the series launched. There was a natural ebb and flow to our involvement over the years as content came and went, but if we had more important things to tend to, jumping back in was made far easier

Yeah, but what if we made the only tools for doing said scheduling in some janky external app? How would you feel about that?

Marathon being delayed probably shows more that they’re concerned an extaction shooter that requires teams of multiple people to align their schedules and cooperate to grind on another battle pass won’t perform well in the mainstream.

when they took away content that you paid for and didn’t let you replay it that was really low

2 funny things

Bungie’s biggest problem (aside from apparently not giving a shit about their employees) is that Destiny is almost impossible to jump into if you’re new or been away for a while.

That’s what didn’t gel with me. The fact these are real ass shoes they are advertising. The adidas logo is rendered in such high detail it makes me sick.