
I havent trained in any martial arts and I’d bet everything I own that I could beat Musk’s ass in under 30 sec.

From there, you can ask it to help you with common Windows-based tasks, like changing the wallpaper on your desktop or connecting a new pair of headphones.”

Australian here, with (despite several shitcunts’ best efforts) socialised medicine: I’d imagine it’s for the same reason down here - Ozempic would only be freely or cheaply available for its on-label use (to treat Type 2 diabetes) but much, much more expensive for off-label use.

People’s desire to get things they shouldn’t at prices they otherwise couldn’t far outweigh their sense of self-preservation. It’s not until it all goes wrong that they scream for regulation and demand someone be held accountable because most people lack the ability to be completely honest with themselves.

You know he will spin this as that 15% was only bots.  But I really don’t think he cares if this makes money or grows or succeeds in any way. I think he is treating this the same way as Donny is treating Truth, as he own personal whine vehicle which nobody can censor.

X, no doubt.

The platform itself eventually became known as X after the URL began redirecting to this past summer.

This is a tech site. What you do with tech is up to you, and the consequences are your own. And since this exists in the world, it would be stupid to not talk about it and understand it. Same as with any tool.

If we can’t protect our infrastructure from a $170 toy, we got no chance against China et al.

To be fair, the article does not say or have the tone that you should get one to use against “people you do not like.” Also being fair, the article is not a piece about being “good” to your neighbor or building a better world. The article simply talks about technology, you personally seem to take an affront to a lock

Are there any actual, confirmed instances of it being used in a crime?

Meanwhile I’m just looking for one Jewish character that isn’t a hasidic street NPC lol. Isn’t Peter traditionally Jewish-coded in Spider-Man lore? Talk about underrepresentation... it’s NYC for crying out loud.

Yup, the new Pete they swear up and down that they didn’t specifically change to look like Tom Holland. It’s weird to change the face, but it’s even weirder that they say it’s got nothing to do with the movies. Just admit it, it’s fine.

>Miles is, however, zero percent colonizer.

You’re not a “colonizer”. Nobody is a “colonizer” just because of the color of their skin, shit like that is divisive shit meant to break groups of people and society as a whole apart. Unless you like the idea of building walls between peoples you shouldn’t go around repeating that shit.

Miles is, however, zero percent colonizer.

Miles is American.

Miles is, however, zero percent colonizer. Unlike Peter.” Lol what. Liberal brain worms.

How confused do you have to get to be shocked there’s game coverage on a gaming blog..?

Sure, but if you’re leaking the personal information of low-level employees for the crime of working a low level job at your target, then I have zero sympathy for you.