
“Technical foul for doing something I don’t understand and will never be capable of doing.” - Wonder Bread Ref

“I’m interested in a powerful position in government and I’m willing to bribe you with a baseball team.”

I’m fairly certain Jerry Jones is going to rip Abbott’s spine out of his body like some Mortal Kombat move if he’s told he can’t host another Super Bowl.

Eat all the dicks, please.

And no matter how many times Seth Curry pushed the reset button, he kept coming back as Seth Curry.

I don’t speak this language. Can somebody translate?

Then you are not as liberal as they come. You’re not that liberal at all, actually.

Yes, that’s about as liberal as they come. And that’s the kind of thing that makes the left really not too fond of liberals. Kindly and promptly fuck all of the way off.

What, you miss the Aubrey Huff post today?

They don’t want to go to the White House anyway.

It was likely manipulated by Russia. And Comey’s rank, treasonous fuckery. And Trump lost by 3 million votes. It is morally completely illegitimate. Possibly legally as well.

Lot going on here. Two former and one current Wizard, each currently playing for three different teams. Where did you come up with these names?

Travis Kelce does elaborate dances after touchdowns, makes jerking off motions toward refs on the field, gets a stupid unsportsmanlike conduct penalty after dropping an important pass in a playoff game, and has his own reality show in which women compete for the chance to date him. Yet somehow he doesn’t get half the

It’s okay. The Lakers are young and exciting and the Yankees are always pretty good; but damn, sorry about bama.

You know, it’s not the golden shower that bothered me that much, it was the detailed reports of literally every member of Trump’s inner circle meeting at one time or another with Russian intelligence officials.

He found donald’s Russian sex workers by finding the two that most looked like Ivanka.

I can think of another new symbol that more accurately gauges fan interest

Well, with all the injuries he’s had, he’s certainly not running away from basketball.

Considering he was only playing 11 minutes a game, 5pts 3.4rebs isn’t all that awful.

Eli, sadly, was not invited