
You misspelled “Browns.”

Next time you are hanging out with your buddies, trip one and kick the other in the balls. Then report back about who was more upset.

I was gonna come down here and jokingly truther this highlight with a “foot on the line” thing, but I decided against it because what the fart is he doing with the ball?!

I get being upset if it’s the team that’s up by 11 that tries the shot but to get your panties in a twist just because the losing team tries to make the score a little more respectable? Fuck off.

Plus, Fournette is black, while McCaffrey is white. So there’s that.


Nick Saban has responded by spending 20 minutes silently assembling a rifle in front of his players while wearing a T-Shirt that reads “FUCKING TRY IT.”

“See this is why can’t let women around Italians.” - better advice

I love the growth of this comment.

Pop > Phil

They should probably vet him before he visits. Then put him through some advanced interrogation, just to determine what his intentions are. Then if necessary, place him in some sort of camp until they determine what to do with people of his kind.

Good call wearing WR gloves, there’s high chance of catching a Tannehill pass in those seats!

I agree. If anything, his nickname should be “Bleached Asshole.”

This is trying way too hard. Bleach Boy is a terrible nickname, and I hope it sticks with him forever as penance for being an attention whore.

Adding Evan Turner didn’t make them a better team? COLOR ME SHOCKED!

Yeah, he’s a weird scapegoat in this saga. Flash back a week and a half ago and there were people all over the internet (including on this family of websites) writing pieces about how he was being way too bullish about Trump’s chances. Now, we’re blaming him for not being bullish enough...

Unions are really having a rough week.

As a Pats’ fan, I hate that anyone on the New England Patriots might support this hate-fueled, orange demagogue, but then I remember that most owners and coaches of sports franchises are horrible, horrible assholes. Except you, Cuban. You’re all right.

Not just killed, but specifically lynched. But hey, the fart sniffers say we should feel compassion for the poor Trump voter, who has been, through no fault of their own (if you don’t count the plethora of ways it’s their own goddamned fault), left behind by the modern, urban-centric world.