
Not pictured: Paulina sitting 2min in the penalty box for tripping

‘Welcome to SEC country’ - cop standing over Mayfield

Forgive us for not taking it easy with the (obviously correct) wording with the travel ban, when Republicans still refer to the Affordable Care Act as Obamacare

Calling Traveling makes sense, unsportsmanlike? oh come on its high school, if the other team didn’t like it maybe they should have brought their defense up higher to stop him

Go to the connected news story, the only thing I’m filling in is the ‘why’ he would act the way he did in that situation. I don’t know about you all, but I don’t jump fences when I’m sober

This seems clear cut to me: Ricky was smoking a blunt or joint on his walk (he is damn near spiritual about his smoking), was spotted, got spooked (Texas) dropped whatever he had and dipped over the fence and walked on being a bit stoned (thus the measure tape grab) it’s exactly what I would do...except for the

That’s a lot of work for 1 star 😂

Here are you odds:

This to me is the LeAsT impressive of Brons feats. You are taught as a kid to orient the seams when passing. It’s not new. What is new is an NBA player actually using their fundamentals and honing them to their utmost advantage. THAT is the magic of Lebron

Looks like Blair Walsh found a new team

Lifelong diehard Blazers fan here: the play on the court this year seems like a function of increased expectations, just doesn’t seem as much ‘fun’ for the players so they are pressing. Last year it was an ‘us vs the world mentality’ and nothing was expected. That being said, we are currently without our best wing

damnit now I’m starting to like Romo. Boooooooooooo saying and doing all he right things, stop it

and the award for random racist comment goes to you!

Just sign Randy Moss to kick already, the fanbase would LOVE it and the Deadspin writers would lose their collective minds

just be glad you don’t live in Portland. 5 under the speed limit is pretty much the norm

This is Deadspin not the New York Times, ‘journalistic credibility’ is not generally what the site is known for. I highly recommend you search ‘Bills Fans’ and get back to me later about the type of journalism that goes on here

At least I know I’m not alone now

Approximately 17 clicks later I found the If I dONT see a better play today I’ll be surprised

Maybe I should rethink my decision to be a teacher and to impart wisdom and honesty and the ability to work together to my students. I’ll just be a senator! where you can be paid Gobbs of money to sit around on your ass, get amazing free healthcare, and complain about shit. Damn that’d be the life

Robot blogger Billy thinks if he uses enough “!!!!!!!’s” and mentions a popular athlete is “mad” he will somehow turn a mundane practice situation into clickbait....ah shit