
Really tho, I didn’t actually watch the game, but was the second K a called strike? If so that is heinous

someone’s a little bitter they were cut from the little league team

Obviously his 3rd miracle: Demaryius was running on the wings of angels to win that game

‘I’m not an Ms fan so I hadn’t really followed the series’

Yeah but 73% of all stats are completely made up soooo...

Is it a day ending in ‘y’ again?

Give Billy a break, it was hard for him to find time to catch the synchronized swimming finals and he needed an excuse. We've all been there

Hopefully there will be two posts about this game tonight, the next being the Cardinals losing!...oh wait it’s the Mariners at home, they'll find a way to blow it

Subtle, not so subtle Trump dig at the end there Timothy. And while I hate the guy as much as anyone, I would love to read just one fucking news article that doesn't involve him. Stick to Putin, he's an easy target too

Shoulda stayed in the Bed and Bath sections, the Beyond can get a little weird sometimes

Of all the cool pictures of bears to headline your story Patrick, you choose ‘the ugly one sticking out its tongue’? It’s like a bear version of Rosie O’Donnell-get that ugly monster off my screen!

Is there a point to this article? It feels like you left about 6 paragraphs off the end of the story

Heres hoping that next year he’ll be more Kung Fu Panda and less Panda Express (doubting it)...mmmm orange chicken

I'm seriously starting to doubt this guys judgement. I mean a gas mask bong? Really? There are so many better ways to get high Laremy, smh

Ya as of like 2 years ago, most years Nintendo owned them there was only 4 (Houston in the AL West? I mean fucking really mlb?!?!)

Screw running, the Irish have brought us Garlic Football and Hurling. Now those are some highlight-filled games. Don’t think I’ve ever seen either one on deadspin but we get Irish university running? Shame

I honestly cannot tell the difference between Stanton and The Rock anymore, coach Barry is doing one hell of a job

All I just took from this is: ‘Get off my lawn!!’. Sorry dude your lawn is a mlb diamond

Rasheed was one of my favorite players growing up even though he would always make an ass of himself and often his teammates. He was a prototype for the modern stretch 4/5 but could also bang down low and was often the only defensive chance we had against Shaq since Sabonis was past his time at that point. I bet

So what? 5 games in the D-league probably only pays you about $30 and as much leftover popcorn as you want from the concession stand