+1 for the SR80i's. For extra comfort, get the G-Cush pads for the full over-ear experience.
+1 for the SR80i's. For extra comfort, get the G-Cush pads for the full over-ear experience.
This is broken for me too.
A roll in the hay is always a good time.
I mean...
Boehner blinks, Biden blinks.
I want one of these things just to plug in and watch. You know it's secretly a death-bot awaiting its initialization codes from Mountain View. The Easter Eggs are just a red herring to make you think that it's harmless.
I don't know that I'd use this as a weather app, but I'd definitely use it as a home-automation thermostat app. Tweaked, of course.
Great link! I'd recommend something like Tyvek to stretch over it as a canopy. It's loud, but waterproof.
It wins me over simply by the fact that they use a period instead of a colon to separate the minutes and the hours.
I'd like it even better if there were two color-gradient doors that you could choose between, so they'd mix when you opened one or the other.
That's perfect.
I don't think it's that damning that EC2 went down. Any storm that kills several people is also likely to take down the backup power sources. And the backups' backups.
I got sick of Craigslist and started to look by just walking around neighborhoods that I liked. There were a surprising number of places with "For Rent" signs that weren't on the web.
I can't believe how cramped those things were. I mean, the Apollo CM was a palace compared to the Gemini—and that's not saying much.
I just wish every Mac supported Remote Disc. It would make life so much easier, because you could keep your old one as a zombie.
If I didn't work at midnight, I'd take it every day. But I do, and I don't trust the El further than I can spit past 11.
Now THAT's a watch!