Blathering Seagulls

+1 for the SR80i's. For extra comfort, get the G-Cush pads for the full over-ear experience.


This is broken for me too.

I want one of these things just to plug in and watch. You know it's secretly a death-bot awaiting its initialization codes from Mountain View. The Easter Eggs are just a red herring to make you think that it's harmless.

I don't know that I'd use this as a weather app, but I'd definitely use it as a home-automation thermostat app. Tweaked, of course.


I'm sure they have it figured out, but I'd want my dome in the shade or to have a cool ventilator-top like the Dymaxion house... Because I've spent summers in permanent tents, and they can get hot as bawlz.

Great link! I'd recommend something like Tyvek to stretch over it as a canopy. It's loud, but waterproof.

It wins me over simply by the fact that they use a period instead of a colon to separate the minutes and the hours.

I'd like it even better if there were two color-gradient doors that you could choose between, so they'd mix when you opened one or the other.

That's perfect.

I don't think it's that damning that EC2 went down. Any storm that kills several people is also likely to take down the backup power sources. And the backups' backups.

I got sick of Craigslist and started to look by just walking around neighborhoods that I liked. There were a surprising number of places with "For Rent" signs that weren't on the web.

I can't believe how cramped those things were. I mean, the Apollo CM was a palace compared to the Gemini—and that's not saying much.

I just wish every Mac supported Remote Disc. It would make life so much easier, because you could keep your old one as a zombie.

If I didn't work at midnight, I'd take it every day. But I do, and I don't trust the El further than I can spit past 11.

Now THAT's a watch!