Blathering Seagulls

I think that's a pretty relative statement. Any ETA 2826-based movement will stand a beating for years (that's the general Swiss automatic mechanical movement that finds its way into tons of watches). And Rolexes are designed like tanks.

I have my grandfather's pocket watch, but it generally stays at home. Heirlooms and such. I prefer watches on my wrist, anyhow. Props for using one, though.

A little Swedish restraint in the styling wouldn't hurt either.

That's no fan—it's a saw to cut off losers' fingertips.

I can't wait for that Chestburster scene.

Related: a Prius owner refers to his 15" wheels as "dubs" as well. On a Saab forum, no less.

*Plugs into Retina MBP*

Funny—I just read Joel's post about internet comments on Animal this morning. Too bad Animal just doesn't have enough relevance for a Chicagoan.


I used to work as IT at a small company full of middle-aged nurses. I feel your pain.

Not on the Desktop though. I hit the IE button without thinking when I first went there and had a moment of bewilderment when the browser opened instead of the Start menu.

NP—you could only get a third of a V6 Mustang for that price.

I'm able to see Friends/Followers in my profile—though I had the same problem when Giz first switched over, so YMMV.

It's even simpler—just start typing from the Start screen and it does a universal search without a search box.

Now playing

The F1 also had a 6.1L engine. This is Jalopnik 6.0. Coincidence? I think not!

I finally installed the Win8 DP, and got super lost at first. If you don't know that it's gone, the lack of a Start menu is going to freak you out.

Re: swipe to view the gallery from the camera app

Heart-clicked so hard for that.


No, the IMA system basically substitutes an electric motor for the flywheel. I've moved it on electric power alone a couple of times by accident (gas motor stalls, electric motor doesn't realize it), but it's only 14hp, and wouldn't be good for much more than crawling around.