Blathering Seagulls

I get the quirk-factor with the 3-door setup, but I'd much prefer a 4-door double-suicide style, a-la RX8.

This is a pet peeve I didn't remember I had until I traded my Volvo V70 (automatic) for my Civic Hybrid (5MT):

With the death of the Logan Square Kitchen, it's a lifesaver for the food trucks to be able to cook for themselves.

For what it's worth, Scion dealerships aren't able to apply dealer markups, so the FR-S' price, at least, should stay right around sticker.

You say the stars caused stratification—I say it caused gamification. It made commenting fun, and a challenge.

I don't know about that. I was given a whole new computer for free, while my pretty lady friend next to me was told she'd have to pay $700 for a new logic board. The waterworks didn't seem to make a difference, either.

Quad-cores seem to be burning through more energy at the moment, but theoretically I think they're a better idea. Personally, I'm fine with the dual ~800MHz in my iPhone 4S. Processor speed has diminishing returns all across the board, but they're especially minuscule in mobile, I think.

I personally can't stand 7" tablets—though I don't consider that to be anything more than a personal opinion.

Guilloche dials: great!

I recently started writing in cursive (as a 22 year-old, for reference). A co-worker would leave shift notes in cursive, and I wanted to write like that too.

Hey now. I have an '03 with the 5MT, and you'd be surprised at how enjoyable it is.

I appreciate that!

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Choose your own adventure: Honda Civic Hybrid edition:

This COTD is really going to mess up the stats guy.

My family had a Zenith TV when I was growing up. 19" screen, no remote. We called it the green monster. Good times.

Karen Klein says that she's grateful for the money, but all she really wants is an apology from the kids involved. That says all you need to know.