Blathering Seagulls

I know, it makes me sad whenever new Apple stuff comes out.

Great link! Welcome aboard.

My whole brain just exploded. That. Is amazing.

Here's some treasure for talking sense.

That's brilliant. Was he not even a Pink?

TMS Porsche 911 (991) Edition


Yeah, but imagine how much cooler they'd be in Gulf livery!

I can't wait to actually learn how to put my vicious 93hp to work!

Because everyone wants the best. And if they get something else, they're going to say it's the best—given that the price points are similar.

iOS has always supported different volume levels for different functions. Alarm volume only affects alarms, and ringer volume only affects ringers.

Michigan represent! Changing Gears is a fantastic project.

I'll lend you my flamesuit for extra protection. I've spent time on webOS, Android, and iOS—and it's sad that a Pre+ can still be smoother than a modern Android phone.

That's great news. I love the Mac Pro.

The Sportster has always been cool.

Yeah, I've heard some carbon wheels can be tricky like that.

I didn't realize those were carbon wheels. Nice! I do most of my riding in Chicago, so I just have some beater alloys to get bashed around on potholes.

Beautiful. I ride carbon, myself, but was sorely tempted by titanium this last bike purchase.

Is that a Litespeed?