Blathering Rick Horton

When Germans say “Hey, you’re going a little heavy on the nationalism there,” it’s time to take stock.

In all honesty people should leave Colt/49er games as early as they can.

Dodgers games: 99.9% apathetic fair-weather-fans who just go to games to take an Instagram pic, 0.1% maniacal knife-wielding gang members who want to literally murder you.

To be fair, 10 Philadelphia fans would be louder than 10,000 Los Angeles fans, regardless of the sport.

Lackey “dated” my friend’s roommate in college. We were at the fancy liberal arts school and he was at the JC in town, so when we were introduced I had no idea what he would turn into as far as a major-league talent. I could, however, already tell he would flip out at the tiniest of things. He was, by far, the

Sued by DOJ for refusing to rent to black people, ultimately settling the case (despite “never settling”), then sued and settles again for failing to live up to original settlement.

I know we’ve all blocked it from our memories but I’m pretty sure last year still happened.

Finally it’s Liverpool’s year.

“He couldn’t coherently answer any questions,” Schultz said.

*Wyoming Courtroom, Preliminary Hearing* 

Probably the same way his parents criminally entered that ‘e’ in there.

Wyoming; where the men are men, and the sheep are scared.

One of my favorite images

Descalso catch was crazy all things considered.

Quick, name your current “locks” for the game 1 starting XI vs. Ghana. (It will always be Ghana.)



Just when you can’t hate LaVar Ball any more, out come the cargo shorts.

Scare-a-mucci also sounds like a prank the Irish kids played on the Italian kids back in the 50s.