Blathering Rick Horton

That Cincinnati goalkeeper played one of the best games I’ve ever seen a goalie play. He was absolutely out of his mind all game long. It was incredible. Some MLS team needs to snatch him up pronto.

France is one of the best teams in the world. As a Swede, this is one of the most unbelievable outcomes in the history of my country. Large quantities of beer will be imbibed tonight.

Never thought I would say this, but please return to expressing yourself thru gif’s and meme’s.

The one guy who threw his France flag right when it goes in is priceless.

The laugh might be my favorite part of this.

Can we agree that the topheavy margarita glass\martini glass is an awful design? I feel like they designed it knowing that there would be a good chance that the drinker would knock it over, thus needing to buy more booze.

Yes. Down by the grassy knob creek.

A small group of people know what Fran meant. Who can figure out the true meaning of “I will see you at hotel”? Enjoy!

Officer: Do you understand what I’m asking you to do?

His over-inflated ego.

Interesting, to NBA players in the early 90's Magic Johnson was himself untouchable.

More raisist than sexist but whatever.

Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?


I haven’t had a Monster since college (a decade ago) but I vividly remember drinking like 2 or 3 of those 16-oz cans daily while working at a restaurant. I had an 8 oz sugar free Red Bull the other day and I could feel my heartbeat in my eardrums.

So, Matt Harvey got drunk playing golf and can’t work for three days because of it?

Me currently..

Watched that goal from the Gwladys Street End. We celebrated so hard that my buddy fell face first into the lap of a small child in the row in front. His parents were celebrating so hard that they didn’t kick sh1t out of him or have him arrested. Simpler times.

PS: We’re shipping Lukaku over to the Reds for half what Juve or RM or anyone else would have paid.