Blathering Rick Horton


Not only that, but probably 95% of the people who reference the troops never served in the military themselves.

Now playing

Anybody else immediately think of Prison Mike when Harlan referenced spending a night in the clink?

Oh wow that's elaborate.

Best take all day. +1

Hehe pretty good


Anybody got any insight into Brazil’s criminal justice system? Why is a judge ordering passports seized? Is this their equivalent of an arrest warrant? Not sure what to make of all this.

Miller: Dives. Breaks Plane. Wins Gold.

Lol +1

I really wish I could do this! I’m going to try to do it tonight. I always feel so much better when I limit myself to 4-ish drinks. But even after 4 I can still feel crappy in the morning. Two drinks it is!!!


Preface: I haven’t read the entire letter. The knee-jerk reaction is to say UNC is crazy, the NCAA can do whatever it wants! UNC had widespread cheating so it must have no institutional control!

That’s giving kansas too much credit.

Pretty good

Oh that's ice cold. Touché

I'm also puzzled as to why Memphis isn't being more heavily courted.


The answer is essentially yes.