Blathering Rick Horton

You left out Talent Show Bro????

What about Vices? A little double entendre. (I won't post the picture from Casino).

I honestly am beginning to think that this guy is playing a joke on us all and we all fell for it. He deserves the Comment of the Year.

Argentina didn't make it to the tournament because it's not on the European continent, man.

I’m new to soccer. Is there a consensus out there about how dumb the two yellow cards in two separate games equals a suspension rule is?

I was born in 1986 and didn’t really start seriously following baseball until the mid-2000's. I’m a stat guy and I realize Ichiro’s numbers don’t wow when using most advanced metrics. That being said, I agree, he’s the Hit King, but I still think he’ll be one of the best, if not at least one of my favorites, that I’ve

Ok pretty good. +1

Great tips. I’m in a small group of 8 couples and 7 just recently had kids or are currently pregnant. My wife and I are the outcasts. We feel a little pressure to have kids but aren’t ready yet. This gives us great advice on how to stay plugged in.

Ooof +1

That’s a pretty bro-tastic five o’clock shadow and mane on Eibner there. Also, he kind of looks like the Lakers bro. Seriously.

Ok, pretty good.

What kind of point is Olney trying to make about the third time through the order? Every pitcher pitches worse multiple times through the order.

Damn that’s good. +1

“I don’t like the way you reacted to me sucking.”

Honestly it didn’t occur to me what a shit-show there would have been if Harper had been a black player screaming f u at the ump. I kind of celebrated Harper for doing it. Now I feel kind of lame.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

You mean, every ump who ejects someone for arguing balls and strikes during his teammates’ at bat, from the dugout, deserves an F U.

Exhibit A every single time.
