Blathering Rick Horton

Heh, I laughed. +1

I love stories like that.

I got a DWI nine years ago when I was 20. It was really, really immature and stupid.

Ok. You got me there.



I pre-ordered the book, Amazon says it will come next week. Very excited to read it.

How about George H.W. Bush? Granted I wasn’t old enough to remember his presidency, but I’ve read quite a bit about him and he seems like a genuinely good guy who actually behaved responsibly while in office.

I realize Vogel’s lapel pins probably honor someone with an illness, or potentially a death, but man, perhaps he could part ways with one or two of those?

So good! +1

Everybody, go read Indentured. I know you all know the NCAA sucks, but McShay’s ridiculous take here is just more of the same hypocrisy that the book exposes. Seriously, go read the book.


Also, did anyone else remember that Adrian Brody was in Angels in the Outfield?? Whoa!

Just my opinion, but I don’t think there’s a better play-by-play person in all of sports than Sean McDonough.

What does one thing have to do with the other?


This was awesome!!! Excellent post.

I had the unfortunate job of anchoring my high school 4x4 when I was the slowest of us on the relay. I think the theory was, let the three guys get as big of lead as possible and hope that fear motivated me to hold on for dear life. Didn’t work that well, turns out.

Go take a nap, Goose.

Dang that’s two good Vlad jokes in one day on Deadspin! More Vlad!