Blathering Rick Horton

When I was a kid, I hated playing catch with footballs because they were hard to throw and catch.


I'm from Columbia (and still live there) and am going to the festival this weekend. Tim, if you don't want to come off as biased you can stay for free at my house next year. That way you won't have to worry about getting paid by the festival.

Cardinals fan here. I hate every bit of the "best fans in baseball" and "cardinal way." The Cardinals deserve to be called out for this. We are an organization filled with fun-police humble-braggers.

I still think the other shooting evidence is way too similar to this case which in my mind makes it even more likely to be prejudicial.

This can't happen way too much risk of "once a bad guy always a bad guy" being injected into the juror's minds.


Oh, now that's good, +1.

Yes, Will, do this.


Emmit Smith: [nods vigorously in agreement].

Keith Law sucks

Are we sure Urban wasn't having heart palpitations there?

Some second year associate attorney probably billed $350 an hour to write that crappy rule while running on about three hours of sleep.

Off topic, but just before that play Troy Aikman was saying Dallas should have kicked a field goal rather than going for it there.

Too late to nominate this guy for the Deadspin Hall of Fame?

yeah yeah yeah but this isn't really school so the whole disruption or distraction argument doesn't hold a lot of water. It isn't class it's an athletic event

Except the school is a public school, which means it's the government.

I'm still too pissed about Vodka Samm missing out to care about this year's nominees, man.