Blathering Rick Horton


Let's face it, as much as writers at Gawker media expect white people to be perfectly smooth at interacting with black people in 2014, none of us are.

All the points, Burneko. This was great. +1

The cops demand an apology from the football player who raises awareness about the cop who shot and killed a 12 year old boy?


I think what he really said was "Maybe I just need another half dozen Old-Fashioneds."

Being told you're the alternate has to be the worst! Ok you've convinced me that jury duty really sucks.

I'm a lawyer. The best advice on how to stay off a jury is to say you cannot keep an open mind. Insist you've already decided the outcome of the case and couldn't consider the evidence. Easiest way to be dismissed from duty.

Wow I was not expecting that ending

Ph.D stands for "Doctor, but not the good kind."

How is Kansas City not considered for a franchise?

This is my favorite of his. Yes, there was a screen. But look at the perfect placement! A rocket just inside the post!

Based God

No Schlafly?

I drank a ton of Jameson the night before I graduated from college. Never been more hungover in my life.

v neck undershirts work well.

Whoa, I never thought about that.


.04? Methinks there was more than alcohol running through that Cane's veins.

His texts were probably telling the equipment manager to grab the pack of smokes he left in his locker.