Blathering Rick Horton

Man I hate cops. I love how he tried to justify his actions to the bro's friend. He realized he was wrong.

I love Emmitt Smith jokes, but does anyone know where they came from? I'd love to know the origin of all this.


HAHAHA. Few things are as amusing as Darren getting trolled hard.

One of my biggest pet peeves are a bunch of people talking when someone is trying to speak/present. Go Peyton.

That quick shot of Trout rounding second, putting his head down and running HARD immediately made me think of Adrian Peterson breaking one down the sideline.

He has no claim.

Kluwe may be on the right side of the issue but man does he get on my nerves. He's vulgar, self righteous and totally unsympathetic.

I like Fox's college football coverage. I know this is an unpopular view, but I enjoy FS1, especially Fox Sports Live. I get sick of ESPN's endless sportscenter coverage.

Question, how much of my paycheck should I be saving a year in IRA's and 401(k)'s. Ten percent? Twenty?

I'm buying a car near the end of the month. I went ahead and got approved from my Bank for a loan. I've never bought a car before but this seems to lift a burden off of me before I go in. I don't have to worry about financing or getting crossed up by the dealer when I'm negotiating on the price of the car.

Cueto just wandering around with sunflower seeds in his hand makes me happy.


Fay started this by saying "something is going on" and then states emphatically that Votto's locker is not empty "period."

Lolz. +1

Anyone have an idea how Life pictures can be purchased? Are they for sale to individuals?

Stupid American question, but is it pronounced "hahm-ay?"

I actually prefer when journalists have a rooting interest. Makes things interesting.

I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't reading the Onion. That's so bad.

Yeah, Americans don't care about soccer.