Blathering Rick Horton

"I have here in my hand a list of 205 members of the sabermetric community that are known as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of Major League Baseball."

I wish these guys good luck in their efforts to quit. I know from personal experience that quitting cigarettes was a living hell. My brother has been trying to quit dip for years.

You sir, have been on fire lately. +1

Why are you worrying about why other people are enjoying American soccer? How does my bandwagon fandom take anything away from your more serious fandom?

Now these are good.

In Mattel Inc. v. MCA Records Inc. Mattel and MCA were arguing over whether the song "Barbie Girl" by Aqua violated Mattel's Barbie Doll tradmark. Not only did Judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals quote every single lyric from "Barbie Girl "in a footnote, he actually concluded the opinion by


I feel like I'm lobbying for Kershaw's wife here, but if you do some reading up on them you realize they're pretty much the nicest people in sports. They're only 25 ish years old and have been donating both time and money to build schools in Africa since they were around 21.

Agreed. And they've been together since they were about 14 which makes it even better.

Scully's reference to Kershaw's wife's "big heart beating a little bit faster" after the eighth was just, well, precious.

Starting to feel sorry for Newell.

Let's go play some American football why don't we and then we can talk about how great the Western side of the state line is.

A fog horn should be mandatory after scoring of any kind. Except in basketball. But definitely in every other sport.

Not a Yankees fan. But I sure will always appreciate Zim having the balls to go after Pedro.

My wife and father in law danced to "what a wonderful world" by Armstrong. Was short and sweet. Honestly, I think that as long as its short you can't go wrong.

LaVine threw down two dunks against Mizzou this year that were eye-popping. This one was so forceful that he had to get stitches on his finger.

I appreciated this story very much. +1

More pics or it didn't happen.

That's the one thing that came to your mind after watching this video?

Puking in front of strangers sucks. Especially if you're hungover with an empty stomach and feeling shame from the bad decisions you made the night before.