Blathering Rick Horton

I haven't watched wrestling in almost 15 years but apparently Wrestlemania 30 was awesome and Daniel Bryan is way better than Stone Cold, Mankind, or the Rock (People's Champ version). Kind of jealous I'm not 14 now.

I've always been partial to The Good Life.

I think I would have a tough time arguing that Pinkerton contains a single bad song. Such a good album.


I have to commend him for trying to catch what he spewed. Most bros would probably be inconsiderate and let it just fall all over the floor.

He's not lying. I went to Ole Miss. There are usually no less than have a dozen fifths of Jack Daniels and various other empty bottles stacked on Faulkner's gravestone.

If asked, I guarantee you gun nuts would rather keep their guns if it came down to giving up guns or having to be an atheist.

I like them too. Always been more of a fan of royal blue than navy anyway.

He's got pretty good evidence. All of America witnessed Kaminsky pull down Tarczweski's pants on just about every possession.


Agreed. The possibilities for Italian stereotyping that the picture presents are just ENDLESS.

Actually. Wait.

When you think about it though, both the Dalai Lama and Jeter are soft on defense. Could be why they propped up Jeets.



Ok, this was meant for the original post. Looks similar, amirite?

Is it just me, or have these been around for a while?

Sandberg does kind of seem like a Schiano Man. This makes sense.