Blathering Rick Horton


Exactly. You're this guy.

+1 to rule them all

Verne and Bill are just the best, man.

"Informed" people. You know, the people who want to always bring up the latest headline to act like they're smart, when in reality they aren't actually informed at all because THEY DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO READ THE ARTICLES.

You sir, have given me junior high flashbacks. I'm breaking out the old Weezer Cd's tonight.


No video of the anthems?

I think you're lost, this is the Stacks not Jezebel.


Hosmer seems kind of like a jerk.

Squints: [takes of glasses] Of course I did. I've been planning it for years.

Orgasm jokes involving Euclid never get old.

Odds that Rob Ford is one of this year's inductees in the Deadspin Hall of Fame?

The attempted rescue of the boys/funeral scene at the end is incredibly moving. Makes you feel closer to other people when you watch something like that.

This has nothing to do with your comment, but after seeing your username, I'd like to say "And a good day to you, sir!"

Really loved Darjeeling and it doesn't seem to get a ton of praise. I think its probably my second favorite of his (behind Tenenbaums).

That's a clown question, bro.


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