Blathering Rick Horton

Great column. New comments section is really confusing.

"Couldn't agree more."

I think the only conclusion to be drawn from this is:

Ok, +1

Eight of the top 13 would have me pooping at least twice before I even left home for work. This is bad.

- Puig plays for Dodgers

"I'm concerned Jorge de la Rosa isn't getting paid more. In a full MLB season, he had as many wins as Clayton Kershaw."

This guy is the biggest troll ever. And it sucks because every time he says something isn't funny we always jump on him. His master plan is working

While, as an American, I certainly appreciate your praise for one of my countrymen. However, I feel obligated to point out that YOU PEOPLE SPELL DEFENSE FUNNY!!!!!

Fair criticism. I think my main point that I was unable to make is that storming the court/field should be reserved for really big games or totally unexpected events.


I think storming the court/field should only be done on a few occasions:

Eh, can't say I blame her for that. I get sick of Jezebel too.

You know what's pretentious, liking the show Girls.

I don't practice in California, so I don't know the California rules of evidence. I'm assuming they are close to the federal rules. The federal rules of evidence are especially unforgiving to criminal defendants when it comes to past sex crimes convictions ( or even sex crime accusations). Rule 413 of the Federal

Oh boy.

Ruben Amaro once refused to sign a free agent pitcher because he didn't have very many wins. No really, he said this, "Kendrick has 64 wins. You know how many wins Garza has? 67."

I can't say I disagree with you about having to search for the good ones. But, as some workerin Alaska surely said at one time or another, "nobody ever said mining for gold was supposed to be easy!"

You know you could always just not look at the comments.

Seriously, this guy's entire comment section is spent telling people their jokes aren't funny. Its absurd.