
Trader Joe’s English Toffee is, if it is possible, better than a Heath Bar. 

I wonder if my Gamecube still boots up. I could go for a replay of SoA. 

Lol dude.

Ooofah, you mad, huh?

With the tournament in full swing, my lack of a Switch to play while my wife watches basketball is really gnawing at me. But the announcement of new Switch models coming out this year has made me decide to wait. I also toyed with the idea of paying for Playstation Now; maybe if I take a long weekend I’ll sign up for

I played a little of Bloodborne and got to a point where I put an hour into the game and made negative progress. They’re definitely not targeted at me. 

I agree that criticizing a plan without offering alternatives is a lazy way of shutting down a discussion.

Now playing

THIS IS THE SONG I HAVE BEEN SINGING IN MY HEAD. I never knew what it was from. Although this commercial cuts out the “you won’t believe your eyes” line for some crap about BBQ flavor. Here’s the original:

That’s the only acceptable reason to do this: cheapness. As someone responded to the original tweet, this is a way to feed 25 people with 12 bagels, and nothing else. Also, most people won’t eat an entire bagel at an office meeting? Where?

He drove the ever loving hell out of it. To me this is obviously a salesman covering a good size territory. If his company didn’t provide him the car, then he can probably claim the miles or the depreciation or both. 

Or maybe that it’s a lot easier to explain why things won’t work than to come up with a plan that will, and that’s exactly the conservative strategy to keep the status quo, which works for the ruling class but causes the immiseration of everyone else at a rapidly increasing pace. I mean, tomato, tomahto.

Let’s see your plan, please. 

I was kinda hung up on it too, while he was gone and they were posting those eulogy-type odes to him in the Funbag. He actually posted a thread about it on Twitter where he explained what happened, and then it got deleted and his wife posted the thing saying he wasn’t drinking. But I’ve sort of accepted that it’s not

Is it worth us arguing? Here’s why I think you are beyond saving:

He was sounding a little strange for the first few, but in the latest one he sounds like his old self, which I find extremely encouraging. 

Kobe’s worth half a billion, too. Plenty of superstars invest their money properly. My question is why Shaq wants more money. What the fuck can you do with half a billion dollars? Shaq’s coming up on 50. Assuming he’s invested even moderately well (6% return), he could spend $12 million a year and never touch his

Are any of those good songs on Evil Empire, though? The debut album(which contains Killing in the Name) is pretty solid all through, but I don’t remember much of Evil Empire.

Is this what it’s like to be mansplained at?

So your argument is that this hypothetical in which MillerCoors is pretending to sue AB InBev in a cooperative effort to sell more of both brands of beer, both companies chose that option because lawyers are cheaper than TV spots. Despite the fact that the, um, ads that kicked this issue off originally ran during the