
The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verill is indeed not tremendous, but I feel King as an actor does a pretty good job with his final line.

I know this is bordering on insanity, but maybe you should buy it if you like it that much. 

He’s tweeting all the time; my hope is he’s catching up writing his next novel rather than writing for Deadspin. 

Steve Martin’s Penis Cream. 

Get ready to lose all faith in this country. We live in hell. Trump still has a 40% approval rating somehow.

Last night I definitely had a dream I scheduled this and then it came out that John Darnielle was a child molester. I had a separate dream I was being chased by a naked Donald Trump. It was an extremely fucking bad night’s sleep.

Hmm, drive down to DE to drink Dogfish Head and see Mountain Goats? Could be! 

I assume the correct ordinal would be “Ten million and first”?

Fair enough, thanks for answering!

This is a neat premise for an article, but I have a sincere question: does most of the commentariat read from home? As someone who works on a computer all day, the last thing I want to do when I’m done work is look at more internet.

Take your filthy star. 

Ah! Thank you for reminding me of the goose game, I forgot how excited I was about that!

I have extreme respect for your cheese snobbery but I still have to dump your books and shove you in a locker. It’s nothing personal. 

After a check of Wikipedia: This is first Deadspin joke to make me feel this bad in quite a while. 

Man, reading that piece makes me realize how much Deadspin has changed in tone. It’s is very tabloid-y, including nude pictures for no clear reason.

How you gonna do this and not provide a link to one you particularly like?

Counterpoint: shut the fuck up. The Republicans controlled both chambers for two years. It’s this important now? More important than paying TSA and Coast Guard employees, who are also part of border security?