
I’m not criticizing the TV show, I’m criticizing YOU. You’re making the choice to come to a dying site and get angry at a blog writer for generating content for a massive multinational media company, a relationship that both sides transparently hate but are trapped in for reasons of money. Meanwhile Family Guy does

Definitely feels like we’re trapped in AM these days.

Kidding, but how damn hard can it be to strap a headset on him and record him for 10 minutes? Ah, fuck, his speech is all fucked up, isn’t it. WE NEED OUR BIG SWEET BOY BACK. 

The hyperlink with the text “tells FastCompany” seems to be malformed. I think it’s supposed to go here.

I think, in general, humans want better things for their children than they had for themselves. I, too, ate gross crap in school lunches. I am glad my kids have it better than I did. It doesn’t make them soft, it makes them happier.

Why the fuck would you cape for Family Guy, a show that A) doesn’t need or care about you and B) hasn’t been funny or interesting in a decade? 

It’s so insane to me that Mike is far right and Bill is far left and they’ve worked together successfully for like 25 years. 

Respect to the greatest one hit wonder tweet of all time.

Nothing DOESN’T play to that base. Nothing. They are 100% in the tank for him and will never stop. You perhaps saw the picture of the two chuds wearing shirts that proclaimed they’d rather be Russian than Democrat? We’ve done enough profiles on Trump voters trying to understand them to understand them. We get it by

The Toscano Syrah is pretty unstoppable. 

I am prepared to fight you over this absurd take. 

Extremely cool, but WAY too expensive. 

The latter, obviously - that’s how voting works in the USA. 

Just a warning, most Quaker meeting is programmed (i.e., there’s a pastor-type figure). Unprogrammed worship is where there’s no leader. I grew up with unprogrammed worship and when I found out about programmed worship, I was pretty bummed out. 

God damn it, we just had a decent season! I was mildly enthused about the team for the first time since 99 (THAT ENDED REAL FAST). Could we please go a couple of days without stories about how one of our coaches is a homophobe and another is a moron? 

Watched Hotel Artemis, which was actually not too bad. Some clunky dialogue in places, but definitely exceeded my very modest expectations.

Bacon and red onion is the truth and the light. 

I fully grant I could be wrong but I would still talk to bursar and ask. What I don’t understand is taxes are taken out of wages as they are paid out so that the government has money to operate throughout the year, but then at the end of the year you reconcile (and end up with either a refund or more taxes due). You

My first suggestion would be to talk to the bursar. But I assume your teaching stipend is not the same as your regular W-2 wages (I presume at some other job, based on the way you’re framing this). Do you have control of your deductions on the stipend?