
Don't dare put this in context - I am getting a full blown outrage worked up and I don't want it ruined!

Yeah.. he might need to retire that bit. Between him and Katy Griffin I am sure Fox news is fully outraged.

Ludovico's technique

If that is the case we have an extremely healthy group of individuals represented in the AV comments section.

Local and Mothership and both deserving of this, but good for Local H they have slogging away for years. Metallica need to do more of this and less Grammys/Lady Gaga.

Not sure if even the label "alternative facts"covers this

It's been a while so I am rusty on American History, but didn't Jackson die before the the Civil War?

These "overlords" should quit their day jobs ( globalist evil deeds ) and work for John full-time as they show real talent as comedy writers.

Late to the conversation but did anyone mention she was a deeply flawed, wounded and unappealing candidate and that if she had an ounce of self knowledge she wouldn't have run a second time?

Is it really a rally when you are in charge? He should call it what it is - a support group for his ego.

In Trumps world - there is Trump and not-Trump.

"we're getting sick of these tactics" - Sorry but do I know you?

"There is a hurty feeling where my empathy gland should be"

He is the Jack Handey of our generation!

His body is somewhere between fat and muscle, I am going with gristle.

We speak your nameā€¦

in related news - Donald is taking his ball and going home.

AV club going single white female on Maher today.

AV Club to the rescue to judge what is politically relevant!

Nope, cannot ignore Trump's ineptitude and I have tried.