
I am happy to see that the Bikini team has turned their lives around,

This was part of the deal, 4 years of comedy gold/terror.

Trump kinda reminds me of my cat - one minute your best friend, the next he is pissing in your hat.

Release the Trump anal ring toss tape!

I like the way it accentuates his crazy.

I can't wait for "How to lose to Trump and disenfranchise your base at the same time" with a forward by Debbie Wasserman-Schulz

I am not sure if "we have agreed Johnny Depp is a turd" unless allegations are now fact.

I never expected the face of fascism to look like a dental hygienist.

Sean Spicer… more like Sean Dickhead.

"Just smile- and Blow me!!!!"

I will say it again, this Trump fella is a real jerk ! ( apologies to Norm MacDonald)

Agreed, and the worst offense - it's not funny, just lazy.

This is far more successful than his first mash up album - "butt sounds".

Orange crocodile tweets.

Politics became pop culture with the election of Trump

Yes, it's a part of Trumps pervy plan.

What no seconds on the clock? Not a fan.

Being that cool is hard work! off to next appearance….

Whoops! "Guilty of being a skimmer" . Originally a Minor Threat song, lyrical nuances lost on the audience I am sure.

In all fairness these guys did record "Guilty of being white" so should'nt be too surprised.