
"Most of that mucus trickles down your throat, and you don't even notice it."

Gwynn is the example of what happens when you combine the natural talent with the drive to always be improving. He has the extra cognitive component that separates the Peyton Manning's from the Jamarcus Russell's.

Tony Gwynn was my generation's Joe DiMaggio, and now he's dead. Shit, that hurts....

Holy shit. It feels like a part of my childhood just died.....R.I.P. Tony. You will be missed.

That's just pretty damn cute, seeing that. It's so genuine, it would be easy to not recognize them as the kids who have an NBA Hall of Famer for a dad. Their father could be anybody, in other a burnout case......who really tries hard to make it through each week............who feels the hurt, but

Looks like the security guard was taking a decade's worth of frustration out on the guy—"Too small to play, eh? We'll just fucking see about that, Coach..."

This is kind of like one of those deals where when your attention is brought to something, you start noticing it everywhere, right? Or where you have one of those "Which do yo see? Marilyn Monroe or Einstein's nose" or whatever games, and when you see the second one, you can never see the first again or something?

"When will the people of the near east realize that soccer is just a crusader plot to make Arabs appear weak?"

Donald Sterling owns that team.

As bad as it is, put it on xvideo under the 'amateur' tag, and somebody will be spankin' to it within 3 minutes.

I beat Contra, but only because of the code. Now Bases Loaded, however, was a different fucking story altogether. HATED that damn could be up by a dozen runs, going into the 8th inning. CPS would then go all '27 Yankees on my ass and never make an out. I also played Conflict, too, which was badass for

I didn't realize David Carpenter was the entire team.

My daughter is almost 9 years old, precocious and intelligent and so very, very innocent. Sometimes, though it breaks my heart, she has to deal with frustrating or hurtful things in life. At those times, she looks at me with her precocious, intelligent, very very innocent eyes sometimes, and she says "That's not

"We humbly offer our ultra-sensitive overall dickishness to our High Priest Of The Unwritten Rules, St. McCann of the Neo York!"—chant heard in Braves locker-room.

Most people I've talked to about Dredd (upwards of 3 people!) have said they went in with no expectations and were surprised by how good the film is. Me, included. I'm glad it did well enough (definitely deserved a larger audience) that they're talking/making a sequel.

Damn. If it was in Italy, I can imagine they'd do something that would make Mario and Luigi look culturally enlightened.

I admit, I was pretty pleasantly surprised with Dredd as well. Maybe this is because I didn't have very high expectations going in, but that's not the point. Anyway, for Netflix, I found it a pretty damn good option. Now, do I want it in that fucking rip-off "Watch It Again" list? Shit, no! Let's not be

"Luck" is the 'why' in the "why they play the game", or the "it's why they don't play the games on paper". It's the end result of the randomness that is spawned by the actions of two individuals, or two groups of individuals, acting against each other to achieve the same goal. It is the end result of the mental and

Gotta be. It's not like he's botching tough bounces. Only way he could play the ball worse is if he stood in place and threw his glove at it.

In the replay, it looked to me like he visibly moved his body towards home plate before spinning to second.