ElephanTitus Andronicus

Skeeter seems like a pretty cool and chill cat

In the reboot, Bear gets his paw caught in a trap. After a month of tending the wound, Michael Shannon’s Grizzly Adams realizes that Bear has developed sepsis.


Family Circus is beyond awful (except for the maps), but they did give us this:

Ah. There’s no measure of scale here, is there?

Michael Shannon in character for the gritty Grizzly Adams reboot.

Romo’s sick of taking beatings. This is all part of his plan to hit 300 pounds to qualify to work from home.

On the other hand, you could say doing both 140 mph in a car is just as dumb as doing 40 mph on a horse. They’re both unnecessary.

Kinja ate my Tao, and won’t let me change “studu” to “study”.

It’s not a spelling mistake. The error is in spacing. It’s should be “Color a Dao”.

Now playing

You know how people make fun of hipsters for doing unnecessary things because they’re old?

I’m the opposite. I want more equestrian sports.

Meh. If I would have said almost anything else — crook, liar, self-absorbed egomaniac, the joke wouldn’t have made sense, because:

Nah. I’ll vote for Stein or abstain. I’m not on that Gawker Media-sponsored Clinton bandwagon.


I can’t fix the idiotic typo, and I can’t try to post another Costas image. Thanks, Kinja.

We already know they’re strategy:

+1 for the image, -1 for mistakenly assuming that Brazil would ever use port-a-johns instead of piping that raw sewage straight into Guanabara Bay.

Just wait until an athlete is set on fire, and is then puked on to put out the fire.

“That’s almost as good as the Susquehanna Shuffle.” — Gil Gunderson