ElephanTitus Andronicus

Come on. You can’t tease like that and not explain.

Now playing

You grin, I pose. It’s not about sincerity, everybody knows.

And then they’d complain it’s not HP.

it’s a good reminder that memory is fallible and that the media loves pouncing on fun stories with little-to-no fact checking

Nothing quite like weaponized gladioli.

Depending on where you are. Trees just die, sometimes, especially if you have a large woodlot.

Nah. Only if you’re cutting green trees for firewood, and if you’re doing that, you’re an idiot.

Damn you, Burneko.

Angels with Dirty Fingers

Considering his support for an independent Scotland, you could say that Murray’s Wimbledon run has been...

Because you’re not cutting live trees, but dead. It’s already on the way to being cured.

Scared of bums. ah-a-a.

The mountain stages are coming. Still, that’s an impressive sprint after 138 miles.

“Territorial Pissings” came up on the shuffle today, and I realized this album will be 25 years old this fall.

Now playing

Four short songs I’ve always liked a lot that clock in at a total of 5:20.

Nah. If you don’t talk to the FBI, how do you give them fake information?

And where’s Carlos Arthur Nuzman?

See, Blatter for this, Ballghazi for Best Scandal.

Wilson: I’m gonna do it multiple times.