ElephanTitus Andronicus

There’s a bigger issue here of which this is only an example: the purpose of Academe.

Ha! We had the same thought at 7:52 EST.

Now playing

Buddy Holly, The Ramones, GBV, Jay Reatard. There’s that whole American tradition of the two-minute pop earworm. In, out, and come back again.

The more I listen to Jay Reatard, the more I can compare him only to Robert Pollard: just a genius from the middle of nowhere who excels at writing incredible hooks, and who understands you can let the hook carry the song for two minutes and then just let it end.

Well, there’s a certain elegance to hearing that song if you’re buying gas in order to cremate the bodies of your victims.

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So apparently this was used in a movie I’ll never watch and now it has 4 million views. Gah. That’s almost as upsetting as Barry Petchesky suggesting falling asleep by imagining a murderer.

Thanks, Deadspin. It’s always nice to be reminded I’m horribly old and was an extraordinarily weird kid.

5%? But the people who do get it, like it. That it amuses a few is the only part that matters.

Chip Kelly’s tongue would like a word with you.

I’m terrible at falling asleep. I go to bed, lie there for an hour, feel too hot, always have a box fan on, even in winter.

St. Louis is also 2 GB for the Wild Card behind LA, NYM, and Miami, and the Red Birds are only .5 a game up on Pittsburgh.

And he just spoiled the plot of Total Recall 2.

Run the NBA season? I think that’s hot enough.

Well, his coach did tell him to be Sharper in the field.

I’ve been trying to come up with my own hottest take on Durant, and this is it: if Golden State doesn’t go 82-0, the season will have a stain on it, even if they win the title.

Write in: Tim Russert.

Hannah, because I grew up a filthy hillbilly eating rhubarb pie, you really should know that the leaves of rhubarb are fairly poisonous to humans and animals, which was why we never fed the leaves to the chickens or the pigs.

Sure, a bunch of white people throw their hands up synchronously at a mass rally in Iceland, and Deadspin thinks it’s cool.

But which dick punch?

My wife doesn’t even qualify as a casual basketball fan. During Davidson’s 2008 NCAA run, my wife rooted hard for Curry: “Look how little he is. He looks like he’s in middle school”.