
He reportedly tried to break, but that didn’t happen. 

Gary Larson. Super Genius.

Got any pictures of it on a flatbed, for realism?

In a world where sports cars - especially sports coupes - are over styled, gape mouthed, and aggressive “eyed” over compensation, I find this 100% refreshing.

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

What Muslim ban? Muslims from Italy, Germany, etc. can still enter the country.

this. that was almost painful to read in the article. 

Back in the day we just complained that FTA brought military stuff to to an automotive site. Now FTA is just a shell site for anti-trump pro-gawker pro-theslot liberal garbage. Please do is a favor and either associate FTA with the liberal parts of this site or quit posting your political crap on the jalopnik tree.

You misspelled Obama.

No you didn’t. I lived there for 7 years and never saw one person killed. Never a victim of a crime nor a witness to any major crime.

The dots on the right side, click > flag > hate speech

First of all, yes to all that.

Don’t reply to assholes in the greys.

Well, just the same amount of fucked up to steal her phone in the first place. All it takes is a blatant disregard for the property of others.

The positive spin is she got rid of her Saturn.

this thing hasn’t changed in forever


Exactly! Bradley is and always will be a male

Odd as his administration was the ones hell bent on punishing him for telling the american people what was being hidden from them.