It completely blows my mind that people think car dealers should sell cars to them for less than what the dealer paid/pays.
It completely blows my mind that people think car dealers should sell cars to them for less than what the dealer paid/pays.
We are not selling these below our invoice cost.
The previous generation was '92-'96.
No, the models were grossly wrong by many orders of magnitude.
Crazy idea, stay with me here. Daimler should merge with …. FCA!
during Passover.
Polish man crashes car into cemetery, police have found 300 dead and are still looking.
That take is too cold for Jalopnik. Everyone here thinks if two people are in the same place at the same time then the whole country dies. I’m pretty sure I can sign paperwork without contracting a virus.
I’d take this over the bullshit Tesla is putting out any day of the week.
“DoEs AnyOnE ElSe HaTe ScReeNs oR iS iT jUsT mE?”
Wow, what a brave option to have on Jalopnik. Bravo.
Shut up Erik.
Guessing that’s a supra, since that’s what everyone associates MkIV with.
Why hate on trucks? I prefer cars too but modern trucks really are the do it all vehicle. They make a lot more sense than an SUV to me.
You do realize that a lot of people actually work for a living and need trucks, right? That Kale salad you are eating was grown by a farmer that needed a truck. That structure you are living in was built by contractors that needed a truck. The internet you are using to post was installed by a person who was driving a…
Nice idea but they don’t care. They are lying their way through this and are trying to be the first one out and a new leading economy. COVID was a godsend to the Chinese economy. Before COVID their failing economy was all on them but now they have the world collapsing with them and they are a few months farther in the…
IIRC tomorrow is her last day at Jalopnik
Are you looking at your screen with blue-blockers? Can you only make out shapes and not details?