oh dear god please do another article w/the responses from the Card assholes to this.
oh dear god please do another article w/the responses from the Card assholes to this.
Screw the typo, I want to know how KO pronounced that.
in the other eye. O in one, swoosh in the other.
I honestly lost brain cells whilst reading this article and I'm skipping studying for an exam because my city and team needed to be defended so badly to a man who doesn't know what he's talking about. Gain some knowledge on the game and the team and get back to me.
I read that line too and honestly tried to picture what the tebow of cock tasting would be. I couldn't come up with anything.
Greg Schiano doesn't think, Greg Schiano KNOWS that MRSA is something only little sissy babies have problems with. Greg Schiano KNOWS he probably got it once but a real Schiano's immune system can kick MRSA's ass with only 5 minutes and a glass of whiskey
In all seriousness though, does coming out with an open letter that basically says "silly constituent, you don't know what you're talking about" really a good strategy?
haha. Naaaah I just hate churchball and love snowboarding.
Well yeah, I know that, but snowboard in VT and then come to UT and ride, and tell me it's not better here.
I was thinking Rick Perry, personally but this is still +1
New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly stated that the NYPD was aware that this ride was going to happen and they successfully kept it out of Times Square. They got over 200 calls, the Times reports. Beyond that, though, the police are instructed not to chase after illegal riders like this, as the Post points out.
well, the stats show he likely won't. Also, Houston.
Giants hat said something to the effect that 'No, they're the stuff,' or whatever,
How sure are we that she's flipping off the photog and not the Rockies? 15-5? I'd be shooting 'em off too.
ha! How many instances of "baseball riots" have you heard of?