
My guess: Catwoman gets hurt and becomes the new Oracle. Wedding gets called off. Stuff happens. Batman broods.

It’s not a period piece/historical costume drama. It’s not Trials and Tribble-ations. The important lore stuff is set before Kirk. There will probably be some stuff baked into the tech (like warp speed limits) to give it historical place. But otherwise it’s a show made in 2017 and set in “the future”, so they’re

It seems to me like that hook is not even intended to look like a prosthesis. More like one of those handheld ones you use for Halloween. He totally looks like he’s gripping it from a handle. Which in turn looks a lot like he’s trying too hard to look like his daddy.

It’s headed right for us!!!

Game development isn’t as simple as that. Throwing more money (people) at a project won’t always fix all of its problems. If a game’s features aren’t fun, what it usually needs is more time and iteration, not more people. And sometimes even an infinite amount of time doesn’t seem to help (see: The Last Guardian).

SPOILER ALERT: Tyrion dies when, during a massive battle between the Andals and the Dothraki, he wanders into a cavalry charge while playing Pokémon Go.

I wonder if someone will attack that crab’s weak spots for massive damage.

It’s so Spielberg they’ve already gone back and digitally replaced the guns with walkie talkies!