
I was Mindy’s producer when she was at Amazon Game Studios - she is INSANELY talented! So happy to see her featured on here!

This animation was done at Sony San Diego’s cinematics studio, not at Naughty Dog proper. In fact, a LOT of the cinematic animation for this, Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us were done at the San Diego cinematics studio.

So it turns out Abrams already backed out of this statement. He clarified later that Rey wasn’t AWARE of her parents in the movie, not that her parents aren’t any of the characters. So.... Luke, Leia, etc are all still fair game..

Bring it on I say - it's long overdue.. as long as this is what we're all hoping it is!

One of the best games of all time Kirk. I wish I could go back to 1998 and play it again for the first time.