blarga blah

I feel like this is the most reality show thing ever said.

Engineers are not a monolith!

I miss the rains down in Africa.


Did you just misgender Xer!

Despite all his rage, he's still just a rancor in a cage.

Billy Corgans?

Minty gloryholes?

Do not want full cock.

Flagged for being a unnecessarily combative twunk.

I heard Ball and Biscuit by the White Stripes for the first time ever when they were touring in support of White Blood Cells; thus I heard it live before I ever heard the studio version (which is also pretty amazing). Having only heard White Blood Cells at that point, I had no idea of Jack's deep blues influence. My

I know you may feel like one, but don't worry, honey. No one is ever going to confuse you with a nerd.
Anyway, just put out a sign that says, "Pokemon for paying customers only," or something like that.

"It's about ethics in music journalism!"

Settle down there, Edward R. Murrow.

Shitty Shitty Bang Bang

I don't know anything about any of this, so all I got out of it was a picture of Pikachu asking for CP. Pika pedo peek atchu!

I know it was to get my goat, but my goat wasn't gotten. The fact that you wanted to get my goat is what makes you as shitty as the rest of us. I'm not offended by aiming for Yoko, aiming for me, aiming for my mother, or anything else.

tl;dr I'm not upset about anything or any screen names or any mothers. I'm just pointing out you're just as shitty as me and AFY.

Just to be clear, I'm not offended. I'm just struck by the hypocrisy of you lashing out in the very same manner as the person you are outraged against.

Oh, I can take it. I just took the time to hold up a mirror, but your eyes are closed.