A hypocritical hysterical twat who has no qualms about making a joke about my or my mother's blown-off head, but blows a gasket about a celebrity who will never read AimingForYoko's screen name.
A hypocritical hysterical twat who has no qualms about making a joke about my or my mother's blown-off head, but blows a gasket about a celebrity who will never read AimingForYoko's screen name.
I'd pay to see that video.
Will you settle for Arseface? http://www.thereelword.net/…
Somebody's #triggered.
Wow. A horror movie that posits that the scary shit of legend was for reallies and doesn't have a non-supernatural explanation. Gee, I can't imagine why it would do that.
Bravo. Spot on commentary. On point, as the kids say.
D-. Wow. Not an agenda-driven grade at all. Jesus.
As long as we're not playing horseshoes or hand grenades, it's okay.
They can BOTH be ONE OF the best seasons on TV, because MG didn't say THE best season of TV.
So, the reason for hating Lion King is musical snobbery? Whatevs.
What is PTA's most beloved "masterpiece"? Magnolia? That. I hate that movie. So utterly pretentious and pointless.
I had a similar thought when I watched that scene: Floki is the new seer.
Banger in the mouth? I barely knower in the mouth!
His ashes should be cool by now.
You should see my inrage.
The Game of Thrones thing is fact, not alleged: http://www.abc.net.au/news/…
1. Nothing happens in a bubble, but if you don't make your case about that song based on THE SONG'S merits, then you have not proved anything. And you still have made no effort to do that. I'm starting to think you're trolling me, because you keep dancing around and writing mini-essays trying to sound smart. But the…
And I can say that a song where a dude…..etc. is NOT sexist because at no point is it implied or explicitly stated that her sex has anything to do with the content of said song.
MFC, I'm fine with all of your post except the part about it being sexist. Vulgar, crass, rude: sure. Not sexist, because there is nothing implied or explicitly stated that she is being treated or thought of any differently because of her gender.
"It's less the acknowledgement that she likes sex and more the leering tone"