
My mom had a stroke. Only she walked around stroked out for over a week because the doctor told her she had a flu or some kind of equilibrium problem. She recovered, but she could have died or been permanently damaged. They didn’t take her symptoms seriously. She kept going back to the doctor until she happened to get

This article expresses the reason of why I am afraid of in-patient, hospital stays. Every relative, both extended and close, learned that their headaches/stomach aches/lower back pains were symptoms of something serious, during in-patient stays. And their illnesses could’ve been treated and cured, if there were early

This movie coming out is ALMOST as good as being able to get all the Prince music I could ever want on Youtube. Almost. I have waited my whole life.

I always thought I was weird cuz I’m like the one person on the planet who doesn’t get excited over trailers.

It could. Also celebration of Angela Bassett in general.

I am an out and proud comic book nerd. I’m already planning to do webinars to explain stuff to folks after they read reviews and after they see the movie. No, it is not part of a racists plot to diminish T’Challa to have Capt. America show up.

Can we have Courtney B. Vance day anyway?

Me: We need to see this movie.

Please. Let. This. Movie. Be. GREAT.

What’s bothering me most is Keith is acting like what Moore is saying doesn’t make any sense.

I’ve read Moore’s original essay several times over and I’m still mulling it over. I agree that people should be mindful of where their fantasies take them, but you obviously can’t ask permission to “look at” someone’s body. Does that mean any fantasizing about physical contact should be off limits? Or is there a

When I was a little kid, my grandfather took me aside and gave me some advice. “Never say ‘you wanna kill’ somebody - ‘cause if that person ends up dead, they’ll come lookin’ for you.”

I keep reading this thinking that you were gonna tell us some bad news. That’s what 2017 did to me.

This exact same phenomenon was described to me by my friend along with “I don’t think he and I are going to work out.” He won’t admit this, but I think that’s why he no longer dates anyone with remotely his body type

For me, if I’m smiling... you might want to take cover.

Same, because you know I plotted out your demise in detail...hours before I let you fucking have it.

10. Sharon Reed’s prayer hands of death, placed in prime “smack a silly white girl, but with Jesus” formation.”

I think somebody has to buy the shit to find out.