
Lena Dunham reminds me of the hipster with the chin curtain beard working at the craft brewery complaining that the neighborhood is being gentrified by hipsters.

True. Someone asked me this question two days ago and I said “I would assume he did that shit.” The person looked at me like I was crazy. I looked right back, like, “Trash men are friends and family to a whole buncha people so I can’t act like my network is immune to it.”

Thanks for educating Americans: Having a black parent is not enough to be black!

Confession - I have come to enjoy this as a pass time but like on real shit. (True Story)

“Hey Tyrone, I’m going to out and get some Chick-fil-A, want anything?”

I’m sure I’m lighter-skinned than you. Sometimes to fuck with people I say I’m Brazilian or Portugese or Israeli. But I always say I’m “mixed” rather than bi-racial because I feel more like I’m my own race, not two pre-existing races.

Eh. I’m mixed the same, but I identify as only mixed, neither black nor white.

But, what’s interesting is when a Black person says, “Okay, she’s not Black because she doesn’t identify as such” even biracial people get upset (see as evidence the responses to my posts in this thread) and claim we are taking her Blackness away from her.

I think Colin Powell would go because his parents are Jamaican and West Indian parents will knock you upside the head if they heard you declined an invitation that involved free food.

Real talk.

It is a cookout. Barkley is coming and he is making a to go platter before everyone has had a chance to serve themselves.

If someone can explain to me how and why God made me move to Maryland with all this amazing ass seafood and then made me allergic to seafood, I’d love to hear it.

I think Damon is more concerned that we know he is 6'2". How Meghan feels about her ancestry doesn’t matter to him, as a man he knows better right?

Why can’t mixed race people call themselves mixed race and identify as such? I have nephews that are Latino/Hispanic, white/British and Chinese. You look at them and you know they’re some kind of mix but people can’t really place them. Why should they be forced to identify as one particular race rather than celebrate

But she’s not trying to “pass” or claiming to be white, as far as I know she identifies as biracial. Why is that a problem?

This. Why isn’t mixed a possibility? I look at her and I see a biracial woman and apparently that’s how she identifies. Why is that an issue?

How dare the mixed person identify as...mixed!

Nah, read again.

I identify as MIXED. I ALSO identify as BLACK. Not one or the other. They are NOT mutually exclusive and they are both TRUTH. Also, you completely ignored my extremely valid point about Rachel whatsherface but ok.

Ok. So you’re mixed and you identify as black. cool

I’m mixed. I identify as mixed. I’m also blackity black. I also identify as black..

Either way, it’s not up to us to decide that because she is ACCURATELY pointing out that she is in fact mixed, that she isn’t black. Raven Symone can identify as not African-American but we all still call her black.

I mean, if we all

Ummm... I would rather hear what other biracial people's feelings about this one. I've heard a few folks' opinions about being labeled as "Black" (one person even told me that 'look-ism' plays a part in labeling).