
Alcohol has been in use far longer than antibiotics. If bacteria were to develop a resistance, I'm sure they would have done so by now. Alcohol physically destroys bacterial cells (by denaturing proteins that compromise the bacteria).

Antibiotics are medicines derived from microorganisms (like penicillin). Purell is just an alcohol solution in gel form.

There's a difference between antibiotic and alcohol hand sanitizer. Purell is not antibiotic; it's an alcohol hand sanitizer. There is no way Purell would cause bacteria to mutate into antibiotic-resistant bacteria because it doesn't have anything to do with antibiotics.

If you're using Chrome, the WebMarker extension brings Tweet Marker support to the Twitter website

Probably took a look at past exams and copied all the questions and answers.

Nope. I remember a girl next to me tried to cheat off me on an essay exam. Not too sure how that would work, especially since it was the kind where you choose which questions to write about.

275 GB? No wonder Verizon wants to get rid of unlimited.

Maybe you missed the part where his phone was either turned off or the battery died.

That's not spelled incorrectly, that's just using the wrong word completely. Spell check won't pick that up.

The same reason Apple made the change: it's quicker.

Only good if you're still on 5.0/5.0.1. 5.1 has the swipe up to reveal camera


"No better display on any device than the iPad? That's where I just lost a ton of respect for Gizmodo. OLED is superior in every possible category to any plasma or LCD in existence. Lower power consumption, lighter, thinner, better color, better contrast."

Apple can increase the screen size up to 4.3" and still have a higher PPI than the new iPad (at 4.3", it's only barely higher, 268.32 vs 263.92).

They work for both Mac App Store and iOS App Store.

Not just that, PayPal can lock your account without notice just because they think you may be doing something shady (even if you're not). Then you're SOL with any funds still in your account.

I've only had that happen on Macs. But then I just made it so that they function as regular function keys and I have to hold fn for volume, brightness, etc.

Let me know when apartments come with your own garage.

Or you know, they ask you for your serial number.

From what I recall (I only use Win8 in a VM with OS X as my main OS), you can just start typing on the Metro screen and it will start a search.