Just play the PS1 version. The load time are not bad, and they didn't tinker with things like they did for the GBA version.
Just play the PS1 version. The load time are not bad, and they didn't tinker with things like they did for the GBA version.
Dark Cloud was not hard at all IMO, it's more perceived as hard because of the fact that you have to do SO much before you fight her, and the point of no return save is a good hour or two back from the start of the final boss encounter.
FF4 is a great one. Good cast, good story, and the hardest final boss in the entire main series by a huge margin.
Don't go to grad school.
Does it have the secret passages?
Every italian that read this just died a little inside.
number of teams you will actually see:
significant rules change in real sports. those are patches. remember when it was considered a good thing to tackle the quarterback a few seconds after he got rid of the ball? that was good strategy. now it's a 15 yard penalty and possibly a big fine for the player.
I predict it gets renamed once more to Final Fantasy Forever
This whole article could have just been "Hit the 57"
the shiny charm in XY makes everything about this less than the article makes it out to be. Your odds are increased by so much with it. I found a total of 3 shiny pokemon before XY, including every generation. Since getting the shiny charm I have an entire box full, none of them hunted for.
you should go play perfect dark n64's multiplayer bots on the highest difficulty. it's exactly what you describe. they also move at about 4x the speed you can. truly terrifying.
Salt & Sanctuary looks AMAZING. I hope it's crossbuy & crossplay as well.
It's really fun. Slightly tedious at the very early stages since you need to use the money making game to grind up some money and buy the candle, but after that it moves pretty good.
sadly, you cannot damage gannon by any means other than sword. I've only completed this once (for both quests), but the general way to do it is get to gannon and let him kill you, then go pick up the master sword and finish the job.
HMs make this more difficult to pull off, but I guess you can use a slave or two when required.
um...back in my day that was just called "playing mario."
Zelda 1 no sword challenge- you can get every item and heart and get to gannon without touching a sword once, on both quests. so much fun.
and turn it into YOU'RE to really make people go insane.