
Horse Pants $4.

Can we PLEEEEEEAAASSSEEE have an "Exclusive Pants" Shop contest??????

I do like to 1000GS/Platinum a game, and I will spend some time specifically to do that BUT if the achievement is something I'm not having any fun at all with, that game goes in the "never platinum" section and i'm done with it.

This is the dumbest chicken and egg argument ever.

Falcon Punch is the best thing to happen to gaming since Mario ate a mushroom.

If one person can figure something out, then others can. It's just a matter of time.

Rhode Island wins this map. Without question.

Ubisoft to Nintendo: Dude... it would be WAY too much work to put a female Link in the game. Just skip it.

fail post. delete.

it's EXACTLY like digimon/pokemon in that one is obviously superior to the other.

I don't actually understand all the mechanics behind it, but from the looks of it it doesn't look any harder than the other crazy stuff he's able to pull off in that game. Just different.

I came to post something classy, but I can't stop thinking about how much I want to explore your Dark World with my Master Sword.

he holds the world record for fastest 120* speedrun by a pretty nice margin, and unless i'm wrong is also like 2nd, 3rd, and possibly 4th on that list as well.

if it's technically possible, siglemic can do it.

Let me throw Chrono Trigger's whole Milennial Fair sequence into the ring. Not an intro movie like everything else posted, but hell if it's not a perfect way to open a giant time-travelling RPG.

came here to post this. finally saw this for the first time recently since i never owned a ps3. oh god so amaze.

I've got one to add- Kinect:

fair enough, but if you jailbreak it you will find new value in it for sure.


or a flash drive you can use with the USB loader to rip the actual disc? if you already own the disc there's nothing wrong with backing it up.