
I'm one of the few that didn't really like this game at all. oh well...

have fun trying to use sabin

cue that meme of: and then he said.... "ANYMORE" haaaahahahaha

and then you realize after about five minutes that NO EMULATED GAME IS GOOD ON A TOUCH SCREEN and go back to terrible games like flappy bird


by causing each of their pokemon to end up with zero hp.


It would kind of suck if he woke up tomorrow and had to keep dying every day

What happens if I remove your face paint?

wrong. they would never get past the blitz tutorial. they would also not be able to escape the floating continent in enough time.

One minor point I need to argue here - Donkey Kong Country 3 was laughably easy from start to finish, particularly for fans of the series who got 101% and 102% on the previous games.

i think if half life 3 is wii u exclusive the internet will actually end.

This is the best part of this entire article. I think I'm gonna go tag every single game on Steam with "Half-Life 3 Confirmed" now.

When you download it, you actually get a playable version of "Not Without My Anus". The game itself will unlock a week later.

How did you cram so much flame bait into one small post? Anyway I'm out of this one.

Items are FUN to play with. I don't think anyone will argue that point. The problem with them is if you introduce them into tournament play you also introduce the randomness of exploding containers, which cannot be turned off by any means, which can seriously impact the outcome of a match. The simplest way to have the

clicked the link to their site....

beat everything the SNES version had to offer including the secret hardest difficulty.... but I never could beat mewtwo in puzzle league on the hardest difficulty. *sadface*

This. but replace platinum with 1000GS.

Last time I tried to watch Tekken it was a rare joy to watch a match that didn't involve either Law or Bob. I don't keep up with the game so that may be different now but it was horribly boring to watch the same two characters. Most other games have around 8 viable characters.